Thursday, June 14, 2012

DISH 4: INDIAN (Indian- inspired Chicken Curry)

I was supposed to do a Greek dish last week however, there’s a need to help out a friend to prepare a healthy pre-planned Indian curry for her mother & their guests, so I decided to make that happen.

My best friend, Karen is into health food nowadays, she’s replacing all their groceries with something organic and fresh, like for our chicken it has to be native or free range. No more processed meats, and even fresh pork & beef, only white meat like chicken & sea water fish.  Milk has to be full cream, and from green grass-fed cows, and lots of fresh organic fruits & vegetables in large quantities in a meal and natural herbs & spices to make the dishes tastier.

I must admit eating organic has this guilt free feeling, makes me feel light just right for attaining my goal of 100 lbs.  Nevertheless, to be able to survive this in a long run is another thing especially that I have a craving palate, because  I’m not happy eating raw, bitter, tasteless veggies, so experimenting and making tasty dishes is quite a challenge. So to start off my friend’s asked me to make a chicken curry.

Google to the rescue, I searched on how to make a very rich Indian-inspired chicken curry, and I’m glad that I almost have the ingredients inside our pantry like it’s my first time to use turmeric, cinnamon, and cayenne powder in my curry, plus yogurt to make it richer. All these ingredients are good for the body & spice like turmeric is well known for its antioxidant effects, making curry as a perfect dish.

Indian- inspired Chicken Curry with Red Rice

All the ingredients played with each other and the taste is just full, and rich.  I like my curry a little hot so I put cayenne to give it a kick, and cinnamon for that aroma, everything was well- blended together to make a wonderful flavor.

I’m happy that my friend and her family loved it. It’s literally became a comfort food to everyone especially that last Sunday, Manny Paquiao was defeated by Bradley and almost all men are pissed off (that includes my dad). Oh well, Manny, I wish I could give you some of my curry, don’t worry you’re still our people’s champ!

I’ll save my Greek dish on my Birthday.
Next Dish: We’ll see…hehe J

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