Sunday, May 20, 2012

The 9-dish Challenge

Only few more months and I will be celebrating my big 3-0, and months ago I came up with an idea of making some crazy list of things I like to do before I hit 30. I consulted close friends about this and they suggested some few things that I must do which I promise to share once I already did them. So on top of my list is to prepare & cook a dish that I really like. This challenge is inspired by Julie & Julia which by the way is one of my favorite inspirational movie. However,unlike the film I’m not doing all Julia Child’s recipes for 365 days but Instead I only have 9 weeks on my hands and the last week is my birthday feast. So I decided to make 1 great dish from each of the 9 different countries that I would like to visit not only to explore the places,culture, and meet people but the most important of all, to eat their food. In addition, as I blog my dishes I would like to include little stories behind it,why I like it, and people I remembered sharing this food with, because some great memories happened while eating good food. So I hope you guys will like my food blog! Enjoy Reading!

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